The first time kelimutu lake just had 3 colours,they were red, blue, and white but after that it change become red, g
reen, and black. the people in Ende believe that every colour symbolize of something.
The red lake symbolize of a place for the soul of people who had make wickedness like use black magic,killed,etc . And the Ende people call the red lake with "Tiwu Ata Polo".
And then "Tiwu Nuwa Muri Koo Fai" or the blue lake symbolize as a place of the younger's soul gather together after they were die, and now the blue lake change to green lake along with the time.
And the last one is the white lake which change to black lake is called "Tiwu Ata Mbupu" by Ende people and they belive that the black lake is a place of the adult's soul gath
er together after they were die.
Kelimutu lake was found by Van Such Telen and it become famous after Y. Bouman wrote in his note in 1929 so the people from all the world come to see the beautifulness of Kelimutu Lake and they always looking for more story of Kelimutu Lake.
Now the colour of Kelimutu Lake change again become green lake. and that colour for all lake and according to the ethnic leader of Ende, it is a symbol of a havoc will be happen. He can say like that because at December, 12th 1992, Ende, Maumere, and other regency in Flores island got earthquake and it was began with all colours of Kelimutu Lake change. So the people believe that something will be happen and they don't know when it will be happen. They just expect that every havoc will not be happen.